Archive for December 2008

    A couple from Christmas

    Saturday, 27 December 2008

    <p><a href="" style="DISPLAY: inline"><img alt="IMG_6375 web" class="at-xid-6a00d834ec580769e2010536951f8f970b " src="" /></a>&#0160; </p>
    <p>She got the Labradore and Friends game for her DS.</p>
    <p><a href="" style="DISPLAY: inline"><img alt="IMG_6385 web" class="at-xid-6a00d834ec580769e201053695201d970b " src="" /></a>&#0160;</p>
    <p>And she got a NINTENDO ds pink no less.....</p>
    <p><a href="" style="DISPLAY: inline"><img alt="IMG_6497 web" class="at-xid-6a00d834ec580769e20105369c8ef1970c " src="" /></a>&#0160;&#0160;&#0160;</p>
    <p>And heaps of other stuff.....</p>
    <p><a href="" style="DISPLAY: inline"><img alt="IMG_6349 web" class="at-xid-6a00d834ec580769e20105369c8f2a970c " src="" /></a>&#0160; </p>
    <p>Can you guess who was queen for the day?</p>
    <p>That&#39;s all for now.</p>

    Christmas time.....

    Wednesday, 24 December 2008

    <p>&#0160; <a href="" style="DISPLAY: inline"><img alt="CARD 2 EMAIL" class="at-xid-6a00d834ec580769e201053694fe34970c " src="" /></a>&#0160; </p>
    <br />
    <p>So the&#0160;3 best things about christmas this year so far(in no particular order)</p>
    <p>1. My next door neighbours mowed my lawn - something i was hoping my new lawn mower guy would do but hasn&#39;t.</p>
    <p>2. A friend of mine took both the girls shopping all across Darwin last week to buy a christmas present for me then helped them wrap them beautifully.</p>
    <p>3. Another friend invited us for lunch with her family on Christmas Day (was going to have a quiet one but the option of kids not fighting because they both had friends to play with was too good to pass up).</p>

    She's a rock star. . . .

    Thursday, 18 December 2008

    <p>&#0160;&#0160; <a href="" style="DISPLAY: inline"><img alt="IMG_5739 web" class="at-xid-6a00d834ec580769e201053681ee0d970c " src="" title="IMG_5739 web" /></a></p>
    <p><a href="" style="DISPLAY: inline"><img alt="IMG_5726 web" class="at-xid-6a00d834ec580769e20105367a544b970b " src="" /></a></p>