So Cute

    Wednesday, 7 May 2008

    <p>So yesterday as we were driving into gym Ayesha is busy realing off the fact that she is six and a half - like we could possibly ever forget that since she tells us almost every day. So she turns to Acacia and says: are you 9and a half yet and Acacia and I figure it out and it turns out that Acacia was 9 and a half on Sunday So Ms E says in her most joyeous mood &quot;Oh Happy birthday Acacia!&quot; Then she turns to me &quot;Mum can we have a party for Acacia's birthday?&quot; One simple answer to that ofcourse. The we worked out she was actually 6 and two thirds but ofcourse that concept is a bit beyond 6 and a half. . . and in the process of all this I missed a friends birthday. I am bad at that.</p>

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