Archive for 2013

    Photoshop brushes

    Saturday, 7 December 2013

    So I have a few photoshop brushes... a few too many for my 4 1/2 year old computer that just couldn't cope ... was running too slow (better after I upgraded the RAM but still too slow) and lets face it I work full time and spend the rest of the time acting as taxi driver running for my girls so simply don't have the time to wait 5 minutes for the brushes to load....  I figured there had to be a better way, so I googled it and I found it.... creating sets... something that I am sure they teach in photoshop classes but wasn't in my photography photoshop books.... but let's face it .... I use digital brushes for my photo books and PL ... not to edit photos.
    So here goes.... possibly the logest post ever... because a few asked..
    1.  click on the brush tool.
      Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 8.50.14 AM
    2. click to see all brushes available - (open brush preset picker)
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 8.50.44 AM
    3. Click the little wheely thing, that gives you viewing options for brushes.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 8.52.14 AM
    Here you want to scroll down until you get to replace brushes, and click on replace brushes.
    4. It will bring up a pop up window like this (I have blacked out some of my file name favourites)
    In the pop up box navigate  to where the  first set of brushes you wish to load are.
    Choose the brushes (click on them) and click open.
    Brush files are identifiable by the little brush icon next to them.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 8.59.49 AM
    5. It will load the brushes into your brush picker. This method replaces your existing brushes with the new ones. (But don't worry as long as you have  the original ones saved they are not lost - no need to save default photoshop ones.)
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.00.20 AM
    6. But ofcourse I have more than one set of studio calico christmas brushes - so now to load the rest. There are a few ways to do this - here is one way.
    Click on the wheely thing - scroll down to load brushes and click.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.00.45 AM
    7. Navigate to where your next lot of brushes are, click to select and then click open.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.01.20 AM
    8. Repeat process until you have loaded all of the brushes that you want.
    Mine are all in a file marked sc christmas - so I cheated clicked on the drop down box - which gave me my last visited folers, clicked SC Christmas to navigate back to that folder and worked my way down the liat loading all of the brushes. (Again blacked out folder names, not important.)
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.06.48 AM
    9. My loaded brushes looked like this:
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.07.12 AM
    AKA - A great big mess.... and I won't use some of them so now I am going to organise them in preset manager -
    click the wheely thing - scroll down to preset manager - click on the preset manager
    (You could also have loaded your brushes straight into the preset manager I didn't - no reason.)
    10. the preset manager will open.
    To delete an individual brush - click on the brush you wirh to delete - right click - it will bring up options rename brush / delete brush - scroll to delete brush and click.
    You right click on a mac track pad by clicking with two fingers.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 11.22.05 AM
    If you want to delect more than one brush at a time you have two options.
    - hold the command key down - click on each brush you wish to delete.
    OR - if all of the brushes are in a row click on the first brush, hold the shift key down, then click on the last brush - it will select the whole section.
    Once you have selected all the brushes you want to delete - click the delete button on the right.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.12.58 AM
    11. In the preset manager you can also move the brushes around.
    I moved mine so similar brushes were together, the ones I wasn't sure I would use at the bottom.
    Again you can select multiple brushes by
    - holding the command (ctrl) key down and then click and drag the brush/es to where you want.
    - using the shift key to select a sequence, click on the first brush in the set, hold shift key, click and drag to where you want it.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.13.32 AM
    12. Once you have it just the way you want you need to save it.
    Click on the first brush in the set, hold the shift key down, click on the last brush in the set.
    Then click on save set in the panel on the right had side of the preset manager.

    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.26.13 AM
    13.. It will open up a box so you can navigate to where you want to save the set.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.25.34 AM
    I have mine saved in ->digital scrapbooking ->photoshop brushes -> sets
    Each set has a different name - I called this one SC Christmas 1 (because I already had SC Christmas - but I will combine them)
    Name and click save.
    14. Now one more step makes life easier - you need to make it so that photoshop can 'see' your sets brushes folder. You do this by creating an alias inside the photoshop brushes folder.
    First locate the photoshop brushes folder (I am on a mac - not sure of the exact steps on windows)
    Open a finder window -> Click on applications in the left hand pane  -> double click icon to open (I have photoshop cc but it works the same for all versions)
    Inside there should be a folder marked presets -> click on presets folder to open.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.27.18 AM
    In the presets folder click on the brushes folder to open.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.27.43 AM
    Once the brushes folder is own you want to open a new finder window.

    You do that by selecting file -> new finder window from the top of your screen (when you are in the finder)
    In the new finder window navigate to where you saved your photoshop brushes set (so mine was: digital scrapbooking -> photoshop brushes -> sets)
    Right click on the 'sets' folder (Remember you can right click on a mac track pad by clicking with two fingers)
    Scroll down through the options to 'make alias' and click.
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.31.34 AM
    It will create an alias in the current folder.

    You simply drag and drop that alias into the brushes folder (in your version of photoshop.)
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 9.31.52 AM
    And all the sets that you have in your digital scrapbooking sets folder will be visible in photoshop.
    You only need to do this step once - because once you create a 'sets alias' in your brushes folder - photoshop can see every brushes set that you put into that folder.
    You will probably have to resart photoshop to be able to see them.

    15. So how does this help me?
    Well if you go back to the earlier screen shot of the brush preset picker - and click on the wheely thing.
    Sc christmas
    all your sets will be visible.  (you can see I have set up sets that contain days of the week months of the year, and I have all the photoshop default sets too.)
    You can just click on whichever set you want to bring up.
    It will come up with this little box
    Screen Shot 2013-12-07 at 12.28.09 PM
    click ok and it will replace the brush set.
    If I decide that I want to work with a different brush set - say the AE christmas brush set (I set it up following the same procedure) - all I have to do is go back into the brush picker, click the wheely thing and select AE christmas brushes and it will replace the SC BRUSHES with my AE christmas sets.