Archive for October 2014

    Week in a life Digital templates

    Saturday, 25 October 2014

    It is that time again ..... for Ali Edwards week in a life ... looking forward to it this year with a decent iPhone camera for when we are out and about... also hoping my kids decide to contribute some photos.
    I will as in years past use the digital templates Ali has. There are two options the 6x8 and letter sized ones. I chose the 6x8 because I liked the full sized title for each day but most likely I will resize them to A4 and print them in a photobook at my favourite print lab which now has an open to the public branch called nu shots. I love to use templates when making photobooks as it makes it quick and easy.
    Here is a look at the templates:

    You can see how i used previous templates to create a photobook here.
    But today here's a video showing an easy method to insert pictures into the teemplate.
    I used Photoshop creative cloud but also have cs6 and it is fairly similar.

    week in a life templates 1 from Lisa Beanland on Vimeo.